June was quite a month for my family and I. Much time was spent preparing for my daughter's wedding that occurred on the 25th of the month. The Lord blessed us with a beautiful day and a most wonderful wedding ceremony and reception. Oh, what a lovely bride!
Earlier in the month I found myself in the hospital after being diagnosed with a pulmonary embolism (blood clot in my lung). This was quite a shock for myself and my family. I am following through with treatment recommendations and also in the process of trying to determine the origin of the blood clot.
With the exception of the Sunday I was in the hospital, my wife and I have continued to travel to Oretown Bible Church (near Pacific City, Oregon) each week where I have been teaching Sunday School and preaching the morning message for about 18 weeks now. I hope to resume writing more on my blog soon. Please pray for my family and I as we go through the steps to address my health matters and do continue to pray for the Lord's will for Oretown Bible Church and the people there. They have become very dear to us.
What a gracious and loving Lord we have. May He be glorified in our lives. Thanks for your prayers.