Saturday, November 21, 2009

Short Thoughts for Today

Today's short thoughts come from Hebrews 9: 1-10. Because of its length I will not include it with this post but I will encourage you to read it. The Hebrew author is inspired to take the first ten verses of the chapter to describe various aspects of the "earthly sanctuary". He speaks of "regulations of divine worship" and notes specific truths which are pertinent in revealing the better priesthood of Jesus. As he provides details concerning the "earthly tabernacle", he points out the presence of an inner and outer tabernacle. More specifically, he speaks of the inner or secondary tabernacle where only the high priest could enter, and that, only once each year. He indicates that these regulations of divine worship governing the earthly sanctuary had signified that the way into the holy place had not yet been revealed.

But again, the writer is clearly being inspired to teach and proclaim the more excellent priesthood of Christ. The way into the holy place has now been disclosed and it is found only in Jesus. He is "the way" and He is "the door". Gifts and sacrifices offered in the earthly sanctuary could not "make the worshiper perfect in conscience". In Christ, each "worshiper" is now "perfect in conscience", forgiven of all their sins. The One who bore our sins on Calvary has clothed us in His own righteousness. No longer is the "holy place" an earthly sanctuary and no longer is it exclusive for one man to enter just once a year. All who are in Christ may "draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and may find grace to help in time of need". Praise God! Praise our more excellent High Priest!

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