In Colossians 1:25, the Apostle Paul was inspired to write, "Of this church, I was made a minister according to the stewardship from God bestowed upon me for your benefit, that I might fully carry out the preaching of the word of God". As I prepared to speak on this passage of scripture last week, I focused on three main points. That God had sovereignly made Paul a minister, or a servant of His church and that He had bestowed on Paul a stewardship that was for the benefit of His church, with a charge to fully carry out the preaching of the word of God.
One thing I continually thought about, was that fully carrying out the preaching of the word of God was directly related to that which "benefited" His church. Even as I shared the message I felt burdened as I considered that many who were speaking in churches all over the country were not preaching the word of God. The very thing, the only thing, that would truly "benefit" His church, the preaching of His word, was not being fully carried out.
Watering down God's word does not benefit His church, preaching Jesus does. Preaching that which is contrary to, or inconsistent with God's word does not benefit the body of Christ, unashamedly preaching the the whole counsel of God's word does. Preaching human wisdom or intellect does not benefit His church, preaching the gospel of grace, Christ and Him crucified does!
The more I considered this matter, I felt as if God was asking me if I had been praying about it. Had I dared ask the One who is able to do "exceeding abundantly beyond all that we ask or think" to intervene and make a difference in this matter? Had I asked Him to work mightily in the hearts of those men, who perhaps had started off well, but had strayed from fully carrying out the preaching of God's word? Had I beseeched Him to change the hearts of men and to draw His "ministers" back to His precious word?
I know that we are in the last days and that some of what we see in the church is prophetic. I suspect that many will continue to preach those things which are not beneficial to Christ's church, even if many were to pray daily for His intervention. But what if we do pray? What if God does change the heart of one or of two who minister in His church? How might that affect His church? How might that benefit the members of His body? I guess it is for that reason that I feel compelled to pray about this matter. It concerns His church, those for whom Christ died.
Would you join with me in praying that God might raise up men who will fully carry out the preaching of God's word? Would you ask God to work in the lives of those who will step into the pulpits of our churches this Sunday and in the weeks to follow, that they might be compelled to preach Jesus? Would you ask God to confirm in the hearts of these men that Jesus Christ remains a rock of offense and a stumbling stone to a lost world, and to preach Him anyway? We need not try to "dress Him up" and make Him more acceptable. The gospel is the power of God unto salvation and the preaching of His word is necessary for our edification. May God help us and may His name be glorified.
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