Sunday, May 18, 2014

Today's Bible reading is the 9th chapter of the Book of Acts. You can read it here at Bible Gateway:

After much persecution of His church, God was about to grant her much peace as He intervenes in, and changes the heart and mind of Saul of Tarsus. Zealous as he was, Saul had sought and received written authority to travel outside of Jerusalem to Damascus, that if he was able to find "any belonging to the Way, both men and women, he might bring them bound to Jerusalem." As Saul was purposing to destroy the church of God, God had purposed to change his life, open his heart to the gospel message and save his soul. As was the coming of the Spirit on Pentecost, the change in the disciples lives, the miracles they had performed and the power of the gospel message they shared, so was the change that took place in Saul. When God struck him down on the road to Damascus, a road of destruction, He put him on a different road, one that we might call the road of instruction. No longer would his zeal be for the destruction of Christ's church, it would now be for the proclamation of the gospel and instruction for the members of His church. After arriving in Damascus and meeting with Ananias as the Lord had orchestrated, Saul began proclaiming the divinely inspired truth of Jesus in the synagogues, saying that "He is the Son of God". So much had Saul been instrumental in the persecution of believers, the salvation that God had brought to him had resulted in the church enjoying peace. We read that the church was being "built up" by God and that they "went on in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit" and continued to increase. Praise God for His divine intervention in Saul's life. Praise God for the peace that He provided His church after it had suffered much persecution. And praise God that the gospel message is still powerful to save as He wills. And praise God that He is still adding to the church daily, those who are being saved.

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