Friday, May 16, 2008

East From The West

In Psalm 103:12 we read, “As far as the east is from the west, So far has He removed our transgressions from us.” The words in this Psalm are often referred to in describing how far our sins have been removed by the precious blood of Jesus. It also seems to be a good description of how vast a difference there is between the world’s view of the world’s problems and how those problems are seen through the word of God.

Have you ever taken the time to take note of the news headlines that appear on the news network web sites, the print media and on the radio throughout any given week? I thought about writing some of them down here but decided against it because of the nature of their content. The depravity of man is on display for the world to see each and every day. But a lost world is not able to see it for what it really is because the “natural man does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually appraised.”(1 Corinthians 2:14)

The world, and unfortunately, some members of the Church who have not rightly divided the word of truth, see man as being inherently good and the circumstances they find themselves in corrupting their goodness. I would be the first one to acknowledge that the things that happen in our lives, from the day we take our first breath, do effect who we are. But we come into this world with nothing good dwelling in us. We see the Apostle Paul writing in Romans 7:18, “For I know that nothing good dwells in me, that is, in my flesh” and in Romans 3:12 we read that “All Have turned aside, together they have become useless; there is none who does good, there is not even one.” So it is not the circumstances of life that happen upon a “good” man that makes him bad, but man is, by his fallen nature bad, and he creates the bad circumstances in life that affect others who are prone to do the same. This is a vicious cycle that can only be interrupted as men come to know Christ as savior and live according to His strength and His ways.

There are times when I am literally sickened by the news reports of what men have done to women and children or what mothers and fathers have done to their own boys and girls. The gross acts of sin that man commits against his fellow man are most startling. Not surprising, but startling. There is a day coming when the restraining influence of the Church, the Body of Christ, will be taken out of the way. The world is not capable of dreading that day, as knowledge of its coming is spiritually discerned.

The Saturday morning men’s bible study group at my church discussed the truth of God’s holiness and man’s sinfulness this past week. We find more than one account in the word of God regarding those who have seen the holiness of God and the resulting awareness they have of their own sinfulness. The Apostle Paul cried out “wretched man that I am” while Isaiah said “I am a man of unclean lips, And I live among a people of unclean lips”. Job stated, “But now my eye sees You. Therefore I abhor myself”. The holiness of God shines a bright light on our sinful condition. All born again believers will become more aware of their sinfulness and their need for Him as they grow in grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Sometimes I feel compelled to pray for all of the young children, some of them only infants, who, even as I write these words, are experiencing or are in danger of some horrendous act against them. I am also reminded of a serious truth for the believer to consider. He or she is capable of sinful acts of the flesh and we must never think that we are exempt from the capacity for evil behavior in this life. From salvation on, we must seek to walk in the spirit by His strength. I just wanted to remind each of us, myself first, of the great need that people have for Christ, the only true hope in this lost world. I also wanted to challenge other believers to consider praying for those unnamed children who find themselves in these terrible situations with unregenerate men or believers who are walking contrary to the Lord’s will in their life and carrying out the deeds of the flesh.

The world’s answers to the world’s problems will never be Christ and Him crucified. Their answer will be more money, new and better programs and attempts to control man’s behavior as men ebb and flow in their determination of what is acceptable and what is not. They don’t know better; but we do. Let us preach the gospel. Let us live the gospel. It (the Gospel) “is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes”.(Romans 1:16)

Father, you know the children that are on my heart and mind. Please bring godly men and women into their lives and protect them from those who would mistreat them. We are thankful that the Holy Spirit is active in the affairs of men, opening the hearts and minds of men, women and children all over the world, revealing the truth of Jesus Christ to them. Help us to be good stewards of the Gospel. As the song reminds us, help us not to hide this glorious gospel of the Lord Jesus, but to let it shine through us as we look to you for strength and guidance.


Lewis and Clark Bible Church said...

Great post Greg! The degree of our appreciation of the glory of the Gospel is bound up in a deep appreciate of the majesty of God's holiness and a Spirit borne conviction of the extent of our own depravity. Pastor Jerry

Bob West said...

Often, what an author writes tells as much about the author, himself, as it tells about the author’s topic. If that premise is true, then it follows that what an author does not write, may also say something about him.

As I paused and pondered your Blog site, Greg, and Pastor Jerry’s, I couldn’t help noticing the alarmingly low number of reader comments. Fantastic, well-written, lucid and scripturally accurate articles, one after another, yet few or, in most cases, no comments have been made about them. Then the Holy Spirit spoke to me (especially when I read “NO PLACE TO SERVE”), and I sit here guilty and convicted!

Your (both of you) Blogs greatly edify and encourage in so many ways, and I have failed to take a moment and tell that to you and Pastor Jerry. Several years ago, a member of law enforcement commented to me, “Everybody’s in a great big hurry dot com!”

Serving as an encouragement to one another should be a blessing to all who are in Christ, not a duty to perform, or an unwanted obligation. After all, how much time, really, does it take to simply say, “Thank you for your encouraging words, or your kind deed? I say it to you now, Greg and Pastor Jerry, thank you so much for your concern, your caring, your vigilance and your willingness to yield to the Lord’s will and remain in His service. We cannot speak for anyone else, but please know that you are a real encourage-ment and a true and valued blessing in our lives.
In His Light & Love, Bob and Diane West