Today I find myself back in the fifth chapter of the Book of Hebrews, looking to the fourth verse for the day's short thoughts. Again, regarding the role of high priest, the writer is inspired to say "And no one takes the honor to himself, but receives it when he is called by God, even as Aaron was".
For a moment I will try to stay focused on the matter of high priest. From the passage we see that it was an honor to be high priest. It was an honor to serve in matters pertaining to God and to act on behalf of men regarding the matters of sacrifice and sin. But we note that it was an honor bestowed upon the individual by God Himself. It was not an honor sought out by the individual to take upon himself, but one reserved for the person chosen, or called by God.
But I feel that perhaps the Church has lost sight of the truth spoken of in this verse. Of course I am not speaking in reference to the role of high priest. I am speaking about those who are put in positions of authority in His Church. I fear that we live in a day when people too often do the choosing of those who will serve on behalf of God's people in things pertaining to Him. As a result, we see men and women in the pulpits of our churches that are there according to the will of men and not the will of God. We see men and women in leadership positions, not because they meet the qualifications outlined in scripture, and are called by the Holy Spirit, but because they have influence or are well spoken. For pastors, elders, deacons, teachers, youth group leaders, etc., I pray that we might look to the One who calls and equips to serve in the body of Christ.
As we run the race with endurance and fight the good fight of faith, may we take the time to ponder the many wonderful truths of His word.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
A Wedding
For today's short thoughts I will take a short-lived diversion from the Book of Hebrews to share on a more personal note. Yesterday I became a father in-law as my son was married to the beautiful young woman who had already become such a special part of our lives. I was so proud of my son and my daughter in-law. They are both believers in our Lord Jesus and have endeavored to maintain a right relationship before Him. While so many young people, even those professing faith in the Savior, seem willing to compromise the scriptural truths they have head knowledge of, these two young people saw His truths about relationships important.
Many different emotions were felt as I watched the two of them become one. On the one hand, there were the thoughts of how things had changed. How quickly the years had passed by and my son was now taking on the responsibility of being a husband and perhaps one day, a father himself. He would have his own family. He would have his own concerns, his own struggles, his own hopes and his own dreams. He would have his own home. He would not be home when I came home from work and he would not come home from work to find me waiting his return. His return home would now be anticipated by my daughter in-law.
But for all days he will be my son and for all days I will be his father. Time and marriage cannot change this truth. Our roles will undergo some change but our relationship as father and son will remain the same. It will not be the same as it was while he was growing up in our home. But I will continue to be a part of his life. I will pray for them and I will pray for them again. I will think of them and then I will think of them again. I will watch them grow in their relationship with the Lord and with one another. I will be available to help no matter what the circumstance. Perhaps it will be with some household chore or to help with some matter that will be new to them. I pray that I will give them wise counsel that is in accordance with God's word.
While the things that will change take their course, I will enjoy the many memories that my son has given us while he and his wife make many more for the future. I look forward to the times that await us as we each grow and mature in our new roles. My son as a husband and head of his house. And me as a father in-law and father of my son who is now a husband too. I will still enjoy the opportunities to play catch, even though he throws the baseball much harder than his dad, and I hope he forever remains my favorite fishing partner.
And the wedding, well it was remarkable. It was entirely a work of God's grace. My son and his wife looked beautiful together. The church looked lovely both inside and out. The weather was great. The guests were numerous and generous in their love and their gifts. But it was the message I was struck by. The words spoken by our pastor left my wife and I wondering if a more appropriate message could have been conceived of. It was perfect in every way. It was the perfect message for my son and his wife. It was the perfect message for their parents to hear. It was the perfect message for those who were there without Christ. It was the perfect message for those who were contemplating marriage themselves. It was the perfect message for those of the faith who were being challenged with God's truths. As our Pastor repeatedly said, there was no doubt that "God is for this marriage" and for that I am most thankful.
Many different emotions were felt as I watched the two of them become one. On the one hand, there were the thoughts of how things had changed. How quickly the years had passed by and my son was now taking on the responsibility of being a husband and perhaps one day, a father himself. He would have his own family. He would have his own concerns, his own struggles, his own hopes and his own dreams. He would have his own home. He would not be home when I came home from work and he would not come home from work to find me waiting his return. His return home would now be anticipated by my daughter in-law.
But for all days he will be my son and for all days I will be his father. Time and marriage cannot change this truth. Our roles will undergo some change but our relationship as father and son will remain the same. It will not be the same as it was while he was growing up in our home. But I will continue to be a part of his life. I will pray for them and I will pray for them again. I will think of them and then I will think of them again. I will watch them grow in their relationship with the Lord and with one another. I will be available to help no matter what the circumstance. Perhaps it will be with some household chore or to help with some matter that will be new to them. I pray that I will give them wise counsel that is in accordance with God's word.
While the things that will change take their course, I will enjoy the many memories that my son has given us while he and his wife make many more for the future. I look forward to the times that await us as we each grow and mature in our new roles. My son as a husband and head of his house. And me as a father in-law and father of my son who is now a husband too. I will still enjoy the opportunities to play catch, even though he throws the baseball much harder than his dad, and I hope he forever remains my favorite fishing partner.
And the wedding, well it was remarkable. It was entirely a work of God's grace. My son and his wife looked beautiful together. The church looked lovely both inside and out. The weather was great. The guests were numerous and generous in their love and their gifts. But it was the message I was struck by. The words spoken by our pastor left my wife and I wondering if a more appropriate message could have been conceived of. It was perfect in every way. It was the perfect message for my son and his wife. It was the perfect message for their parents to hear. It was the perfect message for those who were there without Christ. It was the perfect message for those who were contemplating marriage themselves. It was the perfect message for those of the faith who were being challenged with God's truths. As our Pastor repeatedly said, there was no doubt that "God is for this marriage" and for that I am most thankful.
Friday, June 26, 2009
God and Humpty Dumpty
Where does one begin to describe or explain all that goes into making each one of us who we are? They say that the human body is approximately 60% water but that only speaks of the physical body. I'm talking about the essence of who we are. I'm talking about what makes us do the things we do and think the things we think. Why one of us reacts one way to something said or done while another will react quite differently to the same thing. Perhaps it is one of the most intriguing things to consider; we are individuals and there has never been any two of us who were exactly alike.
To answer this question we might likely begin with the science of DNA. Without a doubt, our individual biological makeup has a significant impact on who we are. I am convinced that everything following conception goes into forming our individual personalities. This would include our prenatal experience, our childhood development, parental influences, and relationships with other adults, friendships, significant events, traumatic experiences, etc. And of course there is the matter of sin, the one constant factor that we all share. Both our own and the sin that affects the whole of God's creation. I know this is not an all-inclusive explanation but it represents my feeble attempt at describing the complexity of our individuality.
Please bear with me as I share some thoughts regarding this matter. First of all, I'm reminded of a truth about our God that we should note and be in awe of. God is intimately aware of each and every detail that has gone into making each one of us who we are. Imagine the millions of people who have lived upon the earth since its creation. None have escaped His notice. Not one has been unknown by Him. He is keenly aware of the minutest detail in each of our lives. For the believer in Christ this is both a sobering and reassuring truth. Since He knows us intimately in every way, He knows how best to work in our lives as He works through the process of sanctification, conforming us to the image of His beloved Son.
This leads me to my other thought on this matter which is really the focus of what I felt lead to write about in this article. I will summarize it this way. I believe that God would have us pause for a moment and consider the complex makeup of our brothers and sisters in Christ. The next time you sit in church during a morning worship service, a Sunday school class, a bible study or prayer meeting, consider those who sit with you. As close as you may be to some of them, it is impossible for you to know the intimate details of all that has gone into making them who they are. Because of sin, this one thing we do know; to some degree each one of us was broken and God is in the process of making all things new.
Now I am fully aware that when someone comes to faith in Christ they are born again and by God's miracle of regeneration, they are made a new creature in Christ. And I know there are stories of those whose lives were transformed miraculously in a short period of time from the broken person they were before their salvation. But my caution is this. The process of sanctification is as individual as the people who compose the body of Christ. And we would do well to remain mindful of this. I am not suggesting that we excuse the behavior of those who are conducting themselves contrary to the word of God and biblical Christian behavior as that would be contrary to God's word. But we should remember that He knows each of His children better than they know themselves and that He is not idle in His fatherhood of each one.
The limitations in the work of sanctification and renewal are with the broken and not the mender. I know full well that God is able to do "exceeding abundantly beyond all that we ask or think". God may be able to put all of the pieces of our lives together in a moment but can these vessels of ours bear so much repair so quickly? Again, the answer is that some can and some cannot. But God is the only one who knows the difference and not us. As previously stated, I know that there are exceptions, but God seems to often work as follows. He will patiently and carefully repair a portion of our lives that was broken and when the repair has healed, or mostly healed, He will move on to the next area of our life, renewing us as only He can and as only He knows best. Look around. Look at yourself. This work of His is no small task. But again, it is not the Potter who lacks the ability to mold the clay into something beautiful but the clay that is smitten with all sorts of impurities. Perhaps when He took hold of you, you were hardly pliable, not indicating a lack of power on His part but perhaps the depth of the scar tissue in your life and His patience to mold you with mercy. As the water of His word is added to and made part of your life you become more moldable in the Potter's hands.
That we all need to have our minds renewed is indisputable. That sanctification is God's will for our life is without question. But the process and progress will never be exactly the same for any two of His children. Oh, The Way is the same and the His resources are un-expendable. Again, I ask that you pause for a moment to consider the members of the body of Christ. We dare not fail to acknowledge that some of our brothers and sisters in Christ have been broken mercilessly by sin. Perhaps it was their own sins or perhaps it was the sins of others. And we dare not forget that God is working in each of our lives. It is an ongoing process and we are all at different points along the way.
I may respond in a certain way to a particular situation or incident. But the woman who sits a few pews up and several feet over may respond differently. Perhaps it is because of the years of physical abuse she suffered at the hands of her mother, the person who should have cared for and nurtured her like no other. The person she longed to be loved by. And the young lady who has been coming to church for the last year, what about her? Perhaps she is struggling because she is only now learning to trust anyone or allow a single person into her world that God is rebuilding. When her father sexually abused her repeatedly when she was just a little girl, he left emotional scars in the deepest area of her heart and mind that still impact her life today. She is growing in Christ, perhaps not as fast as others would hope, but much renewing of the mind is needed. She is trying to trust Him but there are times that it seems so hard. And the man down at the end of the far pew, God is renewing his mind also. It was difficult for him to see and hear his mother being battered repeatedly over the years. But he seemed to lose part of his soul when he found her dead one morning, the result of her last beating when he was 9 years old.The man over there in the second row, he lost his wife and three dear children in a car wreck and although it was many years ago, God began a good work in him, opening his heart to the savior and is still patiently renewing his heart and mind.
As I have already mentioned, I write these things, not to find excuses for Christians to be un-Christ like in their conduct, but for us to understand the task that lies before the Lord and His desire for us to love and help one another as He works to renew our minds. May we be careful and prayerful in our interactions with one another and not be a hindrance to the Potter as He is molding His clay.
I almost forgot Humpty Dumpty. To the best of my recollection, Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall and Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the king's horses and all the king's men, couldn't put Humpty Dumpty back together again. But God could have. Like Humpty Dumpty, we have all been broken as the result of a great fall. But we need not look to all the king's horses and all the king's men to put the pieces of our lives back together again. In fact, why would we? All the king's horses and all the king's men couldn't even put Humpty Dumpty back together again. Why do we go to them to mend our hearts and minds? We can go to the One who "upholds all things by the word of His power". He is the One who is able to create in us something new and not just repaired. A new mind. A new hope. A new life.
Lord, not for excuse sake, but for the sake of the body of Christ and those who are its members, one of another, help us to pause and consider the uniqueness and complexity of who we are and how we came to be that way. You know each of us intimately and for that we are thankful. You know our brokenness and we praise you that you are able and know how best to make all things new. As you work in our lives, may the Lord Jesus be glorified as you mend these vessels that were once broken and without means of being renewed. Father, may you work mightily in the lives of those brothers and sisters in Christ who have been so broken by the effects of sin. As only you can, may you use us to help one another while you renew our hearts and minds.
To answer this question we might likely begin with the science of DNA. Without a doubt, our individual biological makeup has a significant impact on who we are. I am convinced that everything following conception goes into forming our individual personalities. This would include our prenatal experience, our childhood development, parental influences, and relationships with other adults, friendships, significant events, traumatic experiences, etc. And of course there is the matter of sin, the one constant factor that we all share. Both our own and the sin that affects the whole of God's creation. I know this is not an all-inclusive explanation but it represents my feeble attempt at describing the complexity of our individuality.
Please bear with me as I share some thoughts regarding this matter. First of all, I'm reminded of a truth about our God that we should note and be in awe of. God is intimately aware of each and every detail that has gone into making each one of us who we are. Imagine the millions of people who have lived upon the earth since its creation. None have escaped His notice. Not one has been unknown by Him. He is keenly aware of the minutest detail in each of our lives. For the believer in Christ this is both a sobering and reassuring truth. Since He knows us intimately in every way, He knows how best to work in our lives as He works through the process of sanctification, conforming us to the image of His beloved Son.
This leads me to my other thought on this matter which is really the focus of what I felt lead to write about in this article. I will summarize it this way. I believe that God would have us pause for a moment and consider the complex makeup of our brothers and sisters in Christ. The next time you sit in church during a morning worship service, a Sunday school class, a bible study or prayer meeting, consider those who sit with you. As close as you may be to some of them, it is impossible for you to know the intimate details of all that has gone into making them who they are. Because of sin, this one thing we do know; to some degree each one of us was broken and God is in the process of making all things new.
Now I am fully aware that when someone comes to faith in Christ they are born again and by God's miracle of regeneration, they are made a new creature in Christ. And I know there are stories of those whose lives were transformed miraculously in a short period of time from the broken person they were before their salvation. But my caution is this. The process of sanctification is as individual as the people who compose the body of Christ. And we would do well to remain mindful of this. I am not suggesting that we excuse the behavior of those who are conducting themselves contrary to the word of God and biblical Christian behavior as that would be contrary to God's word. But we should remember that He knows each of His children better than they know themselves and that He is not idle in His fatherhood of each one.
The limitations in the work of sanctification and renewal are with the broken and not the mender. I know full well that God is able to do "exceeding abundantly beyond all that we ask or think". God may be able to put all of the pieces of our lives together in a moment but can these vessels of ours bear so much repair so quickly? Again, the answer is that some can and some cannot. But God is the only one who knows the difference and not us. As previously stated, I know that there are exceptions, but God seems to often work as follows. He will patiently and carefully repair a portion of our lives that was broken and when the repair has healed, or mostly healed, He will move on to the next area of our life, renewing us as only He can and as only He knows best. Look around. Look at yourself. This work of His is no small task. But again, it is not the Potter who lacks the ability to mold the clay into something beautiful but the clay that is smitten with all sorts of impurities. Perhaps when He took hold of you, you were hardly pliable, not indicating a lack of power on His part but perhaps the depth of the scar tissue in your life and His patience to mold you with mercy. As the water of His word is added to and made part of your life you become more moldable in the Potter's hands.
That we all need to have our minds renewed is indisputable. That sanctification is God's will for our life is without question. But the process and progress will never be exactly the same for any two of His children. Oh, The Way is the same and the His resources are un-expendable. Again, I ask that you pause for a moment to consider the members of the body of Christ. We dare not fail to acknowledge that some of our brothers and sisters in Christ have been broken mercilessly by sin. Perhaps it was their own sins or perhaps it was the sins of others. And we dare not forget that God is working in each of our lives. It is an ongoing process and we are all at different points along the way.
I may respond in a certain way to a particular situation or incident. But the woman who sits a few pews up and several feet over may respond differently. Perhaps it is because of the years of physical abuse she suffered at the hands of her mother, the person who should have cared for and nurtured her like no other. The person she longed to be loved by. And the young lady who has been coming to church for the last year, what about her? Perhaps she is struggling because she is only now learning to trust anyone or allow a single person into her world that God is rebuilding. When her father sexually abused her repeatedly when she was just a little girl, he left emotional scars in the deepest area of her heart and mind that still impact her life today. She is growing in Christ, perhaps not as fast as others would hope, but much renewing of the mind is needed. She is trying to trust Him but there are times that it seems so hard. And the man down at the end of the far pew, God is renewing his mind also. It was difficult for him to see and hear his mother being battered repeatedly over the years. But he seemed to lose part of his soul when he found her dead one morning, the result of her last beating when he was 9 years old.The man over there in the second row, he lost his wife and three dear children in a car wreck and although it was many years ago, God began a good work in him, opening his heart to the savior and is still patiently renewing his heart and mind.
As I have already mentioned, I write these things, not to find excuses for Christians to be un-Christ like in their conduct, but for us to understand the task that lies before the Lord and His desire for us to love and help one another as He works to renew our minds. May we be careful and prayerful in our interactions with one another and not be a hindrance to the Potter as He is molding His clay.
I almost forgot Humpty Dumpty. To the best of my recollection, Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall and Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the king's horses and all the king's men, couldn't put Humpty Dumpty back together again. But God could have. Like Humpty Dumpty, we have all been broken as the result of a great fall. But we need not look to all the king's horses and all the king's men to put the pieces of our lives back together again. In fact, why would we? All the king's horses and all the king's men couldn't even put Humpty Dumpty back together again. Why do we go to them to mend our hearts and minds? We can go to the One who "upholds all things by the word of His power". He is the One who is able to create in us something new and not just repaired. A new mind. A new hope. A new life.
Lord, not for excuse sake, but for the sake of the body of Christ and those who are its members, one of another, help us to pause and consider the uniqueness and complexity of who we are and how we came to be that way. You know each of us intimately and for that we are thankful. You know our brokenness and we praise you that you are able and know how best to make all things new. As you work in our lives, may the Lord Jesus be glorified as you mend these vessels that were once broken and without means of being renewed. Father, may you work mightily in the lives of those brothers and sisters in Christ who have been so broken by the effects of sin. As only you can, may you use us to help one another while you renew our hearts and minds.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Short Thoughts for Today
Today's passage of scripture is the third verse of Hebrews chapter five which concludes the sentence began in verse one. The author continues to address the role of high priest and his duties, writing, "and because of it he is obligated to offer sacrifices for sins, as for the people, so also for himself."
Because of sin, because of the weakness of the flesh, the high priest had an obligation to offer sacrifices for sins. Because each high priest was also just a man, there was the necessity that he offered sacrifices for his own sins and for the sins of the people he was appointed on behalf of.
The stark contrast between the Old Testament priests and our High Priest is obvious. They were like all other men, beset with weaknesses, each one sinners by birth and by choice. By virgin birth, He was absent any sin nature passed down through an earthly father. By perfect holiness He was absent any personal sin that could be named against Him. Oh, that we may grow in our appreciation of the One who knew no sin yet chose "to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him".
Because of sin, because of the weakness of the flesh, the high priest had an obligation to offer sacrifices for sins. Because each high priest was also just a man, there was the necessity that he offered sacrifices for his own sins and for the sins of the people he was appointed on behalf of.
The stark contrast between the Old Testament priests and our High Priest is obvious. They were like all other men, beset with weaknesses, each one sinners by birth and by choice. By virgin birth, He was absent any sin nature passed down through an earthly father. By perfect holiness He was absent any personal sin that could be named against Him. Oh, that we may grow in our appreciation of the One who knew no sin yet chose "to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him".
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Short Thoughts for Today
Apart from the indwelling Spirit of God, the Helper promised by Jesus, and His holy, infallible word, I find myself amongst the "ignorant and misguided". Hebrews 5:2 will be the scripture for today's short thoughts. Regarding the role of high priest, in this passage we read, "he can deal gently with the ignorant and misguided, since he himself also is beset with weakness".
How often has the Lord Jesus proven Himself true in this role as your High Priest? What hope it should bring to our soul to know, and be reminded of again and again, the gentleness of our Savior. We have all tasted of His gentleness. Oh that we might be vessels of His gentleness to others. Do not mistake gentleness for compromise or tolerance as it is often misunderstood to be the same in our day.
Ours is an omniscient God who knows all things and that without exception. But He was "made in the likeness of men" and came and dwelt amongst men like you and I. The sinless One dwelt amongst sinners. He saw the effects of sin on those who He had daily contact with. He became familiar with their hopes and their fears, their joys and their sorrows. He saw how sin and the weakness of the flesh affected those who He was closest to. Praise the Lord that He can deal gently with "the ignorant and misguided", with you and with I. May we soften our hearts to His gentle hand and to others be gentle ourselves as He works through us.
How often has the Lord Jesus proven Himself true in this role as your High Priest? What hope it should bring to our soul to know, and be reminded of again and again, the gentleness of our Savior. We have all tasted of His gentleness. Oh that we might be vessels of His gentleness to others. Do not mistake gentleness for compromise or tolerance as it is often misunderstood to be the same in our day.
Ours is an omniscient God who knows all things and that without exception. But He was "made in the likeness of men" and came and dwelt amongst men like you and I. The sinless One dwelt amongst sinners. He saw the effects of sin on those who He had daily contact with. He became familiar with their hopes and their fears, their joys and their sorrows. He saw how sin and the weakness of the flesh affected those who He was closest to. Praise the Lord that He can deal gently with "the ignorant and misguided", with you and with I. May we soften our hearts to His gentle hand and to others be gentle ourselves as He works through us.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Short Thoughts for Today
Today's short thoughts are in reference to the passage of scripture found in Hebrews 5:1. Here we read, "For every high priest taken from among men is appointed on behalf of men in things pertaining to God, in order to offer both gifts and sacrifices for sins". In the Hebrew writer's description of our High Priest, we find both similarities and striking differences between His priesthood and the priesthood of other men.
In today's passage we read that every high priest was taken from among men and that his ministry was on behalf of men. As the story of Jesus' priesthood unfolds, we see that He had come to dwell amongst men, partaking of flesh and blood, and was also taken from among men and appointed on behalf of men regarding the things pertaining to God.
We see the focus of the priestly duty as that of offering "both gifts and sacrifices for sins". Sin was that which necessitated the need for a high priest. And sin was that which necessitated our need for this High Priest. As the One who knew no sin, He was both the perfect gift and the perfect sacrifice. The sinless One was appointed on behalf of you and I in things pertaining to God. May we rejoice and be thankful for His work on our behalf!
In today's passage we read that every high priest was taken from among men and that his ministry was on behalf of men. As the story of Jesus' priesthood unfolds, we see that He had come to dwell amongst men, partaking of flesh and blood, and was also taken from among men and appointed on behalf of men regarding the things pertaining to God.
We see the focus of the priestly duty as that of offering "both gifts and sacrifices for sins". Sin was that which necessitated the need for a high priest. And sin was that which necessitated our need for this High Priest. As the One who knew no sin, He was both the perfect gift and the perfect sacrifice. The sinless One was appointed on behalf of you and I in things pertaining to God. May we rejoice and be thankful for His work on our behalf!
Friday, June 19, 2009
Short Thoughts for Today
As I conclude Hebrews chapter four today, I will be using the sixteenth verse for the basis of the day's short thoughts. In this verse we read, "Let us therefore draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and may find grace to help in time of need".
In Romans chapter five the Apostle Paul was inspired to write that through our Lord Jesus Christ "we have obtained our introduction by faith into this grace in which we stand". Brothers and sisters in Christ, our salvation was not the end of grace but our introduction to it! In today's passage we see that there is a "throne of grace". We know that the One who sits on this throne is the giver of grace.
We are encouraged to "draw near" this throne and to do so with confidence. Our confidence is in the One who bids us come to this throne. He has already clothed us with His righteousness and so we are prepared to come. Why do we stay away so long? Why do we not run there often?
By His grace He gives mercy from this throne for us to receive. He tells us it is a place that we can find grace in time of need. Do not look for it elsewhere as it can't be found. As I grow older in the Lord I find that this "time of need" is quite often. In fact, do we not need go to this throne of grace daily in order to "walk in love", to "walk as children of Light", to "walk in a manner worthy of the Lord". Go to this throne today.
In Romans chapter five the Apostle Paul was inspired to write that through our Lord Jesus Christ "we have obtained our introduction by faith into this grace in which we stand". Brothers and sisters in Christ, our salvation was not the end of grace but our introduction to it! In today's passage we see that there is a "throne of grace". We know that the One who sits on this throne is the giver of grace.
We are encouraged to "draw near" this throne and to do so with confidence. Our confidence is in the One who bids us come to this throne. He has already clothed us with His righteousness and so we are prepared to come. Why do we stay away so long? Why do we not run there often?
By His grace He gives mercy from this throne for us to receive. He tells us it is a place that we can find grace in time of need. Do not look for it elsewhere as it can't be found. As I grow older in the Lord I find that this "time of need" is quite often. In fact, do we not need go to this throne of grace daily in order to "walk in love", to "walk as children of Light", to "walk in a manner worthy of the Lord". Go to this throne today.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Short Thoughts for Today
In today's verse of scripture we find both amazement and great encouragement. Our passage is Hebrews 4:15 which says, "For we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but One who has been tempted in all things as we are, yet without sin".
As stated in verse 14 yesterday, "we have a great high priest". But despite His greatness, His holiness and all the other attributes that He alone possesses, He can sympathize with our weaknesses. This should cause great rejoicing in the soul of each member of His Church. Our weaknesses are more numerous than we can count and at times we long for someone to understand our struggles.
The word tells us that our Lord "has been tempted in all things as we are, yet without sin". For all who have been born again and have come to understand the depth of our sin, it is difficult for us to imagine sinlessness. Imagine if you can, temptation to do that which is contrary to God, and yet no sin. This great high priest that is ours, is He who knew no sin but willingly became sin for those who have known sin all their lives. What a high priest! And as we see today, what a sympathetic Savior!
As stated in verse 14 yesterday, "we have a great high priest". But despite His greatness, His holiness and all the other attributes that He alone possesses, He can sympathize with our weaknesses. This should cause great rejoicing in the soul of each member of His Church. Our weaknesses are more numerous than we can count and at times we long for someone to understand our struggles.
The word tells us that our Lord "has been tempted in all things as we are, yet without sin". For all who have been born again and have come to understand the depth of our sin, it is difficult for us to imagine sinlessness. Imagine if you can, temptation to do that which is contrary to God, and yet no sin. This great high priest that is ours, is He who knew no sin but willingly became sin for those who have known sin all their lives. What a high priest! And as we see today, what a sympathetic Savior!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Short Thoughts for Today
Today we will look to Hebrew's 4:14 for our short thoughts for the day. In this verse we read, "Since then we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession".
Members of the body of Christ have made a confession of faith in the One who is the Way, the Truth and the Life. We are called to, and able to, hold fast to this confession because of what God has accomplished through and in Him. We should rejoice each day as "we have a great high priest". The Hebrew writer will go into more detail about our great high priest later in the book, but here he gives us a glimpse of this statement of His greatness.
One day our great high priest will come again as He promised. He is preparing a place for us and we have confidence in His return. Today's verse tells us that He has passed through the heavens. Positionally, as I write today, I am seated in Christ in heavenly places. But one day I will also pass through the heavens with Him as He takes me to my heavenly home. Praise God!
Members of the body of Christ have made a confession of faith in the One who is the Way, the Truth and the Life. We are called to, and able to, hold fast to this confession because of what God has accomplished through and in Him. We should rejoice each day as "we have a great high priest". The Hebrew writer will go into more detail about our great high priest later in the book, but here he gives us a glimpse of this statement of His greatness.
One day our great high priest will come again as He promised. He is preparing a place for us and we have confidence in His return. Today's verse tells us that He has passed through the heavens. Positionally, as I write today, I am seated in Christ in heavenly places. But one day I will also pass through the heavens with Him as He takes me to my heavenly home. Praise God!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Short Thoughts for Today
We can and do keep things about ourselves hidden from one another. But today's verse of scripture reminds us of the omniscient God that we have. In Hebrew's 4:13 we read, "And there is no creature hidden from His sight, but all things are open and laid bare to the eyes of Him with whom we have to do".
I will start at the end of the verse with this One "with whom we have to do". He is our God. He is our Savior. He is our Lord. He is our Father. Not that we should ever wish it so, but we can not escape His sight. This is true of the believer and non-believer alike. We should consider that "all things" include just that. All things. He knows our actions, whether public or private. He knows our true feelings. He is aware of every thought that has come into our mind. This should be a source of reverence and sober mindedness for His children.
But we should not fear this truth about Him but be grateful that He knows us so. This One "with whom we have to do" is the same One who desire whats best for us. The One who works in our life that we might share in His holiness. Yes, the One who "has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness" in order that we "might become partakers of the divine nature".
I will start at the end of the verse with this One "with whom we have to do". He is our God. He is our Savior. He is our Lord. He is our Father. Not that we should ever wish it so, but we can not escape His sight. This is true of the believer and non-believer alike. We should consider that "all things" include just that. All things. He knows our actions, whether public or private. He knows our true feelings. He is aware of every thought that has come into our mind. This should be a source of reverence and sober mindedness for His children.
But we should not fear this truth about Him but be grateful that He knows us so. This One "with whom we have to do" is the same One who desire whats best for us. The One who works in our life that we might share in His holiness. Yes, the One who "has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness" in order that we "might become partakers of the divine nature".
Monday, June 15, 2009
Short Thoughts for Today
The passage for today's short thoughts is one of my favorite verses in all of scripture. In Hebrews 4:12 we read, "For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, an piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and the intentions of the heart". Praise God for the tremendous truth that is found in this portion of His word!
His word is sharp but do not be afraid of it. Read it. Ponder it. Teach it. Preach it. Rightly divide it. Be careful, the "feel good" messages of our day do not have the power to do what God's word can do. Each one of us needs to have the thoughts and intentions of our hearts judged. But if we go anywhere other than the unadulterated word of God, this judgment will be flawed.
Do not mistake the word's description as being "living and active" with that of being changing and/or changeable. It is sure and steadfast. It has stood the test of time and circumstance without exception. It remains as profitable now as it was five hundred years ago and will be so yet in the lives of your grandchildren. Again, it is double edged and sharp. But trust God as the Holy Spirit uses it in your life, revealing Himself and conforming you to the image of His beloved Son.
His word is sharp but do not be afraid of it. Read it. Ponder it. Teach it. Preach it. Rightly divide it. Be careful, the "feel good" messages of our day do not have the power to do what God's word can do. Each one of us needs to have the thoughts and intentions of our hearts judged. But if we go anywhere other than the unadulterated word of God, this judgment will be flawed.
Do not mistake the word's description as being "living and active" with that of being changing and/or changeable. It is sure and steadfast. It has stood the test of time and circumstance without exception. It remains as profitable now as it was five hundred years ago and will be so yet in the lives of your grandchildren. Again, it is double edged and sharp. But trust God as the Holy Spirit uses it in your life, revealing Himself and conforming you to the image of His beloved Son.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Spring Cleaning
In different places and at different times, it seems to come in various ways that are unique to the specific area where you live. Some look to the shadow of a particular groundhog to predict its arrival. I am referring to that wonderful time of year we call spring. As I write today, the calendar tells me that summer has not yet officially begun and so it is yet spring.
The evidence of spring seems all around me. The grass is so green and there is no doubt that it is growing at a more rapid rate as the days go by. Flowers of many different kinds have been blooming everywhere, displaying their wonderful colors. They capture the eye with their different shades of blue, red, pink, yellow and white. Their various smells can grab ones attention. The birds, like one seen recently, even seem to have a little more flutter in their movements. As I saw in my recent trip to Diamond Lake, the winter's snow is melting under the warmth of the rising daytime temperatures. Insects of every kind are coming out of their winter living quarters. It is truly a beautiful time of year as God's creation testifies of its wonderful Creator!
Traditionally, with spring comes "spring cleaning". Like so many others, we have been involved in many of the "spring cleaning" activities around our home. Washing windows, working in the yard, planting flowers and vegetables, cutting and stacking firewood and catching up on the unfinished projects abandoned last fall or winter. For some reason, I hope it is the Lord; I began to consider this matter of "spring cleaning" and more specifically, what seems to bring it on. Please bear with me as I explain.
For me it started a few weeks ago as I sat at our dining room table in the early evening hours. We had experienced one of those beautifully bright and warm spring days on the North Oregon Coast that make people love this area. As the sun was shining brightly on the west side of our home, its rays were exposing the dirt that lay covering the large living room window and the windows of our storm door. Many days of rain and wind had left the dirt from the winter and fall months behind on the windows and their screens, obscuring the view through them. It was striking at how dirty the windows seemed to become as the light of the sun shone upon them, making the dirt so noticeable. During the cloudy and raining months that had preceded this day, little attention had been drawn to the dirt that lie there unnoticed in the darker days of winter. The light of the sun had been the difference. It seems as if it is the sun that both exposes the dirt and gives us the pep needed to begin cleaning.
More recently I was in our family room having coffee one morning when there was a brilliant sun rising over the bamboo hedge that borders our backyard. Again, it was illuminating the accumulation of dirt from the winds and rains of the preceding months. Perhaps it was my close proximity to it or just the way the sun was hitting the sliding glass door that opens onto the deck on the east side of our home. But my eyes and then my mind were drawn to the screen for this sliding glass door. The sun's bright rays were exposing the smallest particles of dirt that were "hidden" in the tiny mesh of the screen. It was then that my thoughts turned to the Son and the light of God's word.
I considered the deep recesses of my heart and mind, the "mesh" if you will of my being, that collects the ugly and obscuring dirt left behind by sin and the winds and rain of this world. It seemed that mine was even more hidden than the dirt I had seen in the mesh of the screen door. In fact, mine was actually out of sight. Out of the sight of man that is. But not out of sight of "the One with whom we have to do". I was reminded, convicted and then reassured that His word "is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow". That He is in the business of washing, cleansing, purifying and renewing. Like the sun, the Son of God is also both the illuminator of the dirt and the inspiration and strength to seek its cleansing.
It was, and is, the "spring cleaning" mindset that I was concerned about as a believer. As I considered this matter, I felt that this sort of thought process was all too present in our lives, the members of the body of Christ. A "spring cleaning" or seasonal approach to our need for spiritual cleansing is an error that we often make. We are in need of a continuous cleansing process and not some approach that assumes that cleaning every so often, perhaps only when something happens and we see the glaring truth of the dirt that has collected. The admonitions that we find in scripture are spoken of as ongoing and reveal the truth of a new life and of an active relationship in Christ. The resources He provides, as He calls us to walk worthy, are not to be seen as tools kept in a closet, only to be taken out from time to time as seems necessary by us.
Although we are admonished to not live like or love the world, Jesus himself said that He did not ask the Father to take us out of the world but to keep us from the evil one. As we walk in this world as ambassadors for Christ, we will be exposed to the filth that is in it. Like Jesus explained to Peter, it will be necessary for us to wash. No, we will not need to bath all over again but we will need to wash. As the Apostle John was inspired to write in 1 John 1:9, "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness".
Father, I thank you for the light of Your holy word and the light of Your Son Jesus. Help us to trust Your desire to illuminate the darkest areas of our being, exposing the areas of our lives that need washed in the water of Your powerful word. May You cause us to remember that You desire what is best for us; that we might share in Your holiness. May we not fear the light of Your word that shows us the areas of our life that have been ill affected by sin and the filth of this world, blurring our vision of You and Your perfect will. Thank You for Your desire to cleanse, not only to remove but to replace and renew. Help us to trust the Holy Spirit's work of conforming us to the image of Your dear Son.
The evidence of spring seems all around me. The grass is so green and there is no doubt that it is growing at a more rapid rate as the days go by. Flowers of many different kinds have been blooming everywhere, displaying their wonderful colors. They capture the eye with their different shades of blue, red, pink, yellow and white. Their various smells can grab ones attention. The birds, like one seen recently, even seem to have a little more flutter in their movements. As I saw in my recent trip to Diamond Lake, the winter's snow is melting under the warmth of the rising daytime temperatures. Insects of every kind are coming out of their winter living quarters. It is truly a beautiful time of year as God's creation testifies of its wonderful Creator!
Traditionally, with spring comes "spring cleaning". Like so many others, we have been involved in many of the "spring cleaning" activities around our home. Washing windows, working in the yard, planting flowers and vegetables, cutting and stacking firewood and catching up on the unfinished projects abandoned last fall or winter. For some reason, I hope it is the Lord; I began to consider this matter of "spring cleaning" and more specifically, what seems to bring it on. Please bear with me as I explain.
For me it started a few weeks ago as I sat at our dining room table in the early evening hours. We had experienced one of those beautifully bright and warm spring days on the North Oregon Coast that make people love this area. As the sun was shining brightly on the west side of our home, its rays were exposing the dirt that lay covering the large living room window and the windows of our storm door. Many days of rain and wind had left the dirt from the winter and fall months behind on the windows and their screens, obscuring the view through them. It was striking at how dirty the windows seemed to become as the light of the sun shone upon them, making the dirt so noticeable. During the cloudy and raining months that had preceded this day, little attention had been drawn to the dirt that lie there unnoticed in the darker days of winter. The light of the sun had been the difference. It seems as if it is the sun that both exposes the dirt and gives us the pep needed to begin cleaning.
More recently I was in our family room having coffee one morning when there was a brilliant sun rising over the bamboo hedge that borders our backyard. Again, it was illuminating the accumulation of dirt from the winds and rains of the preceding months. Perhaps it was my close proximity to it or just the way the sun was hitting the sliding glass door that opens onto the deck on the east side of our home. But my eyes and then my mind were drawn to the screen for this sliding glass door. The sun's bright rays were exposing the smallest particles of dirt that were "hidden" in the tiny mesh of the screen. It was then that my thoughts turned to the Son and the light of God's word.
I considered the deep recesses of my heart and mind, the "mesh" if you will of my being, that collects the ugly and obscuring dirt left behind by sin and the winds and rain of this world. It seemed that mine was even more hidden than the dirt I had seen in the mesh of the screen door. In fact, mine was actually out of sight. Out of the sight of man that is. But not out of sight of "the One with whom we have to do". I was reminded, convicted and then reassured that His word "is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow". That He is in the business of washing, cleansing, purifying and renewing. Like the sun, the Son of God is also both the illuminator of the dirt and the inspiration and strength to seek its cleansing.
It was, and is, the "spring cleaning" mindset that I was concerned about as a believer. As I considered this matter, I felt that this sort of thought process was all too present in our lives, the members of the body of Christ. A "spring cleaning" or seasonal approach to our need for spiritual cleansing is an error that we often make. We are in need of a continuous cleansing process and not some approach that assumes that cleaning every so often, perhaps only when something happens and we see the glaring truth of the dirt that has collected. The admonitions that we find in scripture are spoken of as ongoing and reveal the truth of a new life and of an active relationship in Christ. The resources He provides, as He calls us to walk worthy, are not to be seen as tools kept in a closet, only to be taken out from time to time as seems necessary by us.
Although we are admonished to not live like or love the world, Jesus himself said that He did not ask the Father to take us out of the world but to keep us from the evil one. As we walk in this world as ambassadors for Christ, we will be exposed to the filth that is in it. Like Jesus explained to Peter, it will be necessary for us to wash. No, we will not need to bath all over again but we will need to wash. As the Apostle John was inspired to write in 1 John 1:9, "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness".
Father, I thank you for the light of Your holy word and the light of Your Son Jesus. Help us to trust Your desire to illuminate the darkest areas of our being, exposing the areas of our lives that need washed in the water of Your powerful word. May You cause us to remember that You desire what is best for us; that we might share in Your holiness. May we not fear the light of Your word that shows us the areas of our life that have been ill affected by sin and the filth of this world, blurring our vision of You and Your perfect will. Thank You for Your desire to cleanse, not only to remove but to replace and renew. Help us to trust the Holy Spirit's work of conforming us to the image of Your dear Son.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Short Thoughts for Today
Today's passage of scripture continues to show the emphasis that God places on the matter of entering His rest. The verses we will look at today are found in Hebrews 4:9-11 where we read, "There remains therefore a Sabath rest for the people of God. For the one who has entered His rest has himself also rested from his works, as God did from His. Let us therefore be diligent to enter that rest, lest anyone fall through following the same example of disobedience."
We have been discussing this matter of "entering His rest" because God inspired the Hebrew author to write about it at some length. This sort of emphasis should tell us why the writer says in today's passage "to be diligent to enter that rest". I must speak boldly to those brothers and sisters in Christ who have failed to rest in the finished work of our blessed Savior. Why have you not rested from your works? Could a lifetime of your works please Him? What if you were to gather together the "best" of your brothers and sisters in Christ and pool their good works together? Would there be rest in them? These are foolish questions but too many have been lacking in their understanding of the sufficiency of our Savior. He saves to the uttermost!
I know that disobedience is disobedience. But may we not be disobedient in this matter. As we consider Jesus, His birth, His life, His death, His Resurrection, His Ascension and His promised return, may we enter His rest. May we see and remember that He has "sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high", having "made purification of sins". May we rightly understand the work of the Holy Spirit and the exalted position we have when God "raised us up with Him, and seated us with Him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus". Once more; May we honor Him by resting in Him.
We have been discussing this matter of "entering His rest" because God inspired the Hebrew author to write about it at some length. This sort of emphasis should tell us why the writer says in today's passage "to be diligent to enter that rest". I must speak boldly to those brothers and sisters in Christ who have failed to rest in the finished work of our blessed Savior. Why have you not rested from your works? Could a lifetime of your works please Him? What if you were to gather together the "best" of your brothers and sisters in Christ and pool their good works together? Would there be rest in them? These are foolish questions but too many have been lacking in their understanding of the sufficiency of our Savior. He saves to the uttermost!
I know that disobedience is disobedience. But may we not be disobedient in this matter. As we consider Jesus, His birth, His life, His death, His Resurrection, His Ascension and His promised return, may we enter His rest. May we see and remember that He has "sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high", having "made purification of sins". May we rightly understand the work of the Holy Spirit and the exalted position we have when God "raised us up with Him, and seated us with Him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus". Once more; May we honor Him by resting in Him.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Day Away
I will not be posting a short thought for today this day. Up early to go sturgeon fishing. Will post a short thought for the day on Friday and hope to have a new article posted by the end of the weekend. God bless.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Short Thoughts for Today
The Hebrew writer continues to address the matter of rest, disobedience and a hardened heart in today's scripture passages. In Hebrews 4:6-8 we read, "Since therefore it remains for some to enter it, and those who formerly had good news preached to them failed to enter because of disobedience, He again fixes a certain day, "Today," saying through David after so long a time just as has been said before, "Today if you hear His voice, Do not harden your hearts." For if Joshua had given them rest, He would not have spoken of another day after that."
Praise God for today, and Lord willing for tomorrow, for rest remains available for some to enter it! If I am still writing, His rest, which is found in Christ, remains available for entrance. Disobedience to the Gospel and disobedience to the truth of Christ sufficiency keep us from entering His rest. Again, this is His rest. He is the One who makes rest possible and the One whom it is found in.
As we looked at a couple of days ago, we again see the caution against hardened hearts. If you hear Him speak to your heart today, do not harden your heart against Him. I'm reminded of Paul's inspired admonition to the Ephesian believers where he wrote, telling them not to let the sun go down on their anger. When it comes to our relationship with the Lord, He desires that we not put off the things that are beneficial for us today.
If you need to know Christ as savior, believe in Him today. If you are already a child of His and need to ask His forgiveness, do so today. If you need to forgive someone or seek someones forgiveness, do it today. If you need to seek Godly counsel, why not do so today. If the Lord has been leading you to share your faith with someone, perhaps today is the day. If you need to have a more consistent prayer life or time in His word, start today. If you need to get back in church, having fellowship with other believers in the Lord Jesus, start doing so today.
Praise God for today, and Lord willing for tomorrow, for rest remains available for some to enter it! If I am still writing, His rest, which is found in Christ, remains available for entrance. Disobedience to the Gospel and disobedience to the truth of Christ sufficiency keep us from entering His rest. Again, this is His rest. He is the One who makes rest possible and the One whom it is found in.
As we looked at a couple of days ago, we again see the caution against hardened hearts. If you hear Him speak to your heart today, do not harden your heart against Him. I'm reminded of Paul's inspired admonition to the Ephesian believers where he wrote, telling them not to let the sun go down on their anger. When it comes to our relationship with the Lord, He desires that we not put off the things that are beneficial for us today.
If you need to know Christ as savior, believe in Him today. If you are already a child of His and need to ask His forgiveness, do so today. If you need to forgive someone or seek someones forgiveness, do it today. If you need to seek Godly counsel, why not do so today. If the Lord has been leading you to share your faith with someone, perhaps today is the day. If you need to have a more consistent prayer life or time in His word, start today. If you need to get back in church, having fellowship with other believers in the Lord Jesus, start doing so today.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Short Thoughts for Today
I would like to make Hebrews 4:3-5 the verses for today's short thoughts. In these passages we read, "For we who have believed enter that rest, just as He has said, "As I swore in My wrath, they shall not enter My rest," although His works were finished from the foundation of the world. For He has thus said somewhere concerning the seventh day, "And God rested on the seventh day from all His works"; and again in this passage, "They shall not enter My rest."
It continues to be portrayed as a clear distinction between the two. God has provided rest for those who believe but rest is not found by the disobedient; those who do not believe God. We have the example of God Himself who "rested on the seventh day from all His works". We see that rest follows a finished work.
I find it interesting that God has even designed our bodies to speak of this spiritual truth. Following a physical work our bodies wish to rest. Fatigue can be had by those who do not allow their body to receive the rest they need. Oh how this is so in our relationship with the Lord. One who does not rest in the finished work of Christ will grow weary in his efforts to accomplish a work that could only be completed by Him. We may rest because He has rested from a work He has accomplished on our behalf. Through His abiding word and the collective voices of His children, those words uttered so many years ago are still proclaimed today; "It is finished". I feel compelled to close again with these words. May we honor Him by resting in Him.
It continues to be portrayed as a clear distinction between the two. God has provided rest for those who believe but rest is not found by the disobedient; those who do not believe God. We have the example of God Himself who "rested on the seventh day from all His works". We see that rest follows a finished work.
I find it interesting that God has even designed our bodies to speak of this spiritual truth. Following a physical work our bodies wish to rest. Fatigue can be had by those who do not allow their body to receive the rest they need. Oh how this is so in our relationship with the Lord. One who does not rest in the finished work of Christ will grow weary in his efforts to accomplish a work that could only be completed by Him. We may rest because He has rested from a work He has accomplished on our behalf. Through His abiding word and the collective voices of His children, those words uttered so many years ago are still proclaimed today; "It is finished". I feel compelled to close again with these words. May we honor Him by resting in Him.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Short Thoughts for Today
In today's passage of scripture we find the Hebrew writer speaking of good news and its profitability when united in the hearer by faith. In Hebrews 4:2 we read, "For indeed we have had good news preached to us, just as they also; but the word they heard did not profit them, because it was not united by faith in those who heard."
The writer again draws on the contrast between those of the Exodus generation who did not enter His rest due to unbelief and those (we) who have profited from the good news of Christ through faith. The good news that we have believed, the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, has been united in our hearts by faith through the sanctifying work of the Spirit of God. It is a work of God's grace and its "profit" is abounding. Knowing Jesus. Having forgiveness of sins. Being made a new creature in Christ. Receiving power to live for Him and the privilege to be His vessel. Having hope in His return and the knowledge that we will one day see Him face to face. In Christ, the list goes on. Oh how we have profited from "the kind intention of His will".
The writer again draws on the contrast between those of the Exodus generation who did not enter His rest due to unbelief and those (we) who have profited from the good news of Christ through faith. The good news that we have believed, the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, has been united in our hearts by faith through the sanctifying work of the Spirit of God. It is a work of God's grace and its "profit" is abounding. Knowing Jesus. Having forgiveness of sins. Being made a new creature in Christ. Receiving power to live for Him and the privilege to be His vessel. Having hope in His return and the knowledge that we will one day see Him face to face. In Christ, the list goes on. Oh how we have profited from "the kind intention of His will".
Friday, June 5, 2009
Short Thoughts for Today
As I continue this attempt (as the Lord wills) at blogging through the Book of Hebrews, we begin chapter four today and will go no further than the first verse. As the author begins to discuss the "rest" that is ours in Christ, he begins Hebrews 4:1 by stating, "Therefore, let us fear lest, while a promise remains of entering His rest, any one of you should seem to have come short of it".
Don't miss the great news here. A promise remains, for you and for I, of entering His rest. This is a promise made by the true Promise Keeper. The One of Whom it is said "there is no variation or shifting shadow". He is the One of Whom the apostle Paul wrote that He "was able also to perform" that which He had promised. I must ask the question. Have you entered His rest? Or do you find yourself amongst those who "have come short of it"?
Consider Jesus. His work is sufficient for you and I to rest in. Read and study His word. Pray. Fellowship with His people. I am convinced that His word will testify to this truth, as it is His desire and our privilege to rest, relying wholly in Him. God has proclaimed without question the sufficiency of the work of Christ. As we continue in this Book of Hebrews, we will see this truth repeated several times and in several different ways. There should be no mistake as to the completeness and sufficiency of His work. May we honor Him by resting in Him.
Don't miss the great news here. A promise remains, for you and for I, of entering His rest. This is a promise made by the true Promise Keeper. The One of Whom it is said "there is no variation or shifting shadow". He is the One of Whom the apostle Paul wrote that He "was able also to perform" that which He had promised. I must ask the question. Have you entered His rest? Or do you find yourself amongst those who "have come short of it"?
Consider Jesus. His work is sufficient for you and I to rest in. Read and study His word. Pray. Fellowship with His people. I am convinced that His word will testify to this truth, as it is His desire and our privilege to rest, relying wholly in Him. God has proclaimed without question the sufficiency of the work of Christ. As we continue in this Book of Hebrews, we will see this truth repeated several times and in several different ways. There should be no mistake as to the completeness and sufficiency of His work. May we honor Him by resting in Him.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Short Thoughts for Today
Hebrews 3:14-19 will be our scripture for today's short thoughts. Surely there is much to say about these six verses but I will keep my thoughts brief. The writer continues in his inspired discussion regarding the warnings of an unbelieving or hardened heart, falling away from God and the deceitfulness of sin as mentioned in the previous days' thoughts. The verses read as follows; "For we have become partakers of Christ, if we hold fast the beginning of our assurance firm until the end; while it is said, "TODAY IF YOU HEAR HIS VOICE, DO NOT HARDEN YOUR HEARTS, AS WHEN THEY PROVOKED ME." For who provoked Him when they had heard? Indeed, did not all those who came out of Egypt led by Moses? And with whom was He angry for forty years? Was it not with those who sinned, whose bodies fell in the wilderness? And to whom did He swear that they should not enter His rest, but to those who were disobedient? And so we see that they were not able to enter because of unbelief."
I must fist note that we, those who have believed in the Lord Jesus Christ, have become partakers of Christ. Not simply partakers with Him but of Him. But even so, the admonition continues to be for us to be children of faith. Believing and trusting God, not only at the time of our salvation, our "introduction by faith into this grace in which we stand", but through the days and years that follow. Maintaining a soft and trusting heart to the word and promises of God is necessary for our entrance into the rest He affords us in this life. The enemy of rest is unbelief. Paul spoke to the Colossians of the importance of the "stability of your faith". As they (and we) had "received Christ Jesus the Lord" (by faith), so were they to walk in Him (by faith). May we each grow strong in faith, trusting the ever faithful One and giving Him all the glory.
I must fist note that we, those who have believed in the Lord Jesus Christ, have become partakers of Christ. Not simply partakers with Him but of Him. But even so, the admonition continues to be for us to be children of faith. Believing and trusting God, not only at the time of our salvation, our "introduction by faith into this grace in which we stand", but through the days and years that follow. Maintaining a soft and trusting heart to the word and promises of God is necessary for our entrance into the rest He affords us in this life. The enemy of rest is unbelief. Paul spoke to the Colossians of the importance of the "stability of your faith". As they (and we) had "received Christ Jesus the Lord" (by faith), so were they to walk in Him (by faith). May we each grow strong in faith, trusting the ever faithful One and giving Him all the glory.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Short Thoughts for Today
Not tomorrow, but today is the admonition from the Hebrew writer in today's passage of scripture which is the context for this day's short thoughts. In Hebrews 3:13 we read, "But encourage one another day after day, as long as it is still called "Today," lest any one of you be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin". What a ministry opportunity is set before each of us who are believers in the Lord Jesus Christ. The opportunity to serve the Lord and His Church in this manner exists today and will exist tomorrow, as long as the Lord's return remains before us. You need not be a pastor or other church leader to be involved and be effective in this ministry. You need not go to language school, Bible College or seminary to be prepared. A love for Jesus and His Church is all you will need. Opportunities will abound.
This ministry of encouragement is presented by the writer as crucial and one that should not be put off until tomorrow. It is expedient that we encourage one another today and that we continue to do so "day after day". Despite what some may teach, I believe that no member of the body of Christ is immune from the possibility of being hardened by the deceitfulness of sin. Sin is deceptive and we are in an ongoing struggle against it. But He has provided us with the tools that are necessary and encouragement is given as a remedy against it. May we seek the Lord's wisdom and guidance in being an encouragement to one another.
This ministry of encouragement is presented by the writer as crucial and one that should not be put off until tomorrow. It is expedient that we encourage one another today and that we continue to do so "day after day". Despite what some may teach, I believe that no member of the body of Christ is immune from the possibility of being hardened by the deceitfulness of sin. Sin is deceptive and we are in an ongoing struggle against it. But He has provided us with the tools that are necessary and encouragement is given as a remedy against it. May we seek the Lord's wisdom and guidance in being an encouragement to one another.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
I would like to quickly apologize for not posting a short thought for today and yesterday as I had planned. Since returning from the camping/trout fishing trip I enjoyed with my son last week, I have felt exhausted the few days. I guess that is why they say that sometimes you need a couple of days of rest to recover from your "vacation".




Anyway, we returned late Friday afternoon as planned after a great week of fishing at Oregon's Diamond Lake. I joked with my pastor this past Sunday that although God cares for the sparrow, He cares for the rainbow trout at Diamond Lake as well. He has provided them with such great habitat where they can thrive and grow large quickly. They say that the fingerlings that were planted last spring now average 13-15 inches and weigh approximately one pound. With the Oregon Department of Fish and Game estimating there are over 150 pounds of insects per acre at the lake, they have much to feed on.
We caught many trout over 15 inches, with several being 17-19 inches and all of them quite fat. Although I did not, my son broke the 20-inch mark with a rainbow just under 22 inches. I will have to go back again (perhaps next year) to make a further attempt at cathing a 20-inch rainbow. Here are a couple of pictures from the trip that I hope you enjoy.
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