Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Short Thoughts for Today

Apart from the indwelling Spirit of God, the Helper promised by Jesus, and His holy, infallible word, I find myself amongst the "ignorant and misguided". Hebrews 5:2 will be the scripture for today's short thoughts. Regarding the role of high priest, in this passage we read, "he can deal gently with the ignorant and misguided, since he himself also is beset with weakness".

How often has the Lord Jesus proven Himself true in this role as your High Priest? What hope it should bring to our soul to know, and be reminded of again and again, the gentleness of our Savior. We have all tasted of His gentleness. Oh that we might be vessels of His gentleness to others. Do not mistake gentleness for compromise or tolerance as it is often misunderstood to be the same in our day.

Ours is an omniscient God who knows all things and that without exception. But He was "made in the likeness of men" and came and dwelt amongst men like you and I. The sinless One dwelt amongst sinners. He saw the effects of sin on those who He had daily contact with. He became familiar with their hopes and their fears, their joys and their sorrows. He saw how sin and the weakness of the flesh affected those who He was closest to. Praise the Lord that He can deal gently with "the ignorant and misguided", with you and with I. May we soften our hearts to His gentle hand and to others be gentle ourselves as He works through us.

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