Friday, June 27, 2014

Today's Bible reading is the 11th chapter of the Book of Romans. You can read it here at Bible Gateway:

I couldn't help note the contrast of the “seeker friendly’ movement (and its theology) of our day and scripture passages like today's and those of  previous day’s reading in the Book of Romans. In Romans chapter three we had read the emphatic truth that “there is none who seeks for God”. Of course, that was followed by the words, "There is none who does good, there is not even one." In today’s passage we find Paul writing of his nation Israel and how God had not rejected them but how He would  save a remnant of Israel by His “gracious choice”. And then Paul goes on to describe Israel as “seekers”.  He writes that although they were “seeking”, they were unable to obtain that which they sought. Consistent with the entire text of Romans, Paul goes on to say that it is the chosen who obtain that which the seekers do not. The "chosen of God" have much to be thankful and grateful for. May we never cease to rejoice in and proclaim the wonder of  “God’s gracious choice”!

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