Sunday, May 10, 2009

"Behold, Your Mother"

In the short time that I wish to take, I could not begin to explain the significant role that mothers have in God's sovereign plan for humanity. Their worth to a family, a society, a culture and His Church is of high value; one that I'm not sure we have come to appreciate. Their role in the local church is crucial for the health of that portion of the body of Christ that gathers there.

We often look at the many things a mother does for her children, her husband and her home as we consider her on Mother's Day. Because their role is instrumental, their work is great and often seems never ending. I would suggest that they are high on our enemies list of targets to attack. May we pray without ceasing for them, encourage them and assist them where we can.
I would like to look at two verses of scripture to consider a couple of thoughts regarding these special women.

In Paul's second letter to Timothy he wrote, "For I am mindful of the sincere faith within you, which first dwelt in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice, and I am sure that it is in you as well". There should be no doubt in our minds that Timothy's mother had a profound influence in his life. She may have worked tirelessly, like so many do, to care for her family day after day. But we must note that it was the "sincere faith" which "dwelt in" her that gave occasion for the inspired inclusion of her in God's Holy word. The context of the passage suggests that Timothy's mother and grandmother lived lives that the apostle seemed personally familiar with. I believe this was either first hand knowledge that Paul possessed or that it was the testimony that others gave of what was witnessed in their lives.

In John's gospel we see the Lord Jesus demonstrating His love, concern and appreciation for His mother. We see the Lord on His cross, suffering the cruel punishment of crucifixion. He had already lived a life before His mother that was absent the presence of sin. As He hangs on His cross on Calvary, we see Him doing something else that no son had ever done before. As He dies for the sins of the world He is dying for His mother's sins. But even as He does this He also demonstrates His concern for her as He prepares to return to His father.

In what I believe was a reflection of His love and appreciation for His mother, the scripture says that He spoke to the disciple whom He loved (John himself), saying,"Behold, your mother" and the word continues by telling us that "From that hour the disciple took her into his own household". As He prepared to bear the sins of the world, where He would cry out to His Father, "My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken Me?", He saw to the needs of His mother. He entrusted the care of His mother to a man of great faith and love. What more could He do to show His love and appreciation for His mother?

Father, thank you for the many women who bear the title of mother. Thank you for the mothers who are not with us anymore but continue to live on in the lives of their children and others they influenced. We acknowledge the great value that mothers have in the body of Christ, your Church, and ask that you would protect them from the enemy. Help us to do all that we can in Christ to love, support and encourage them as they serve you in this manner. We pray for those who are even now struggling in this great role, desiring to be good mothers, but finding the struggle difficult. Because their task is great, we ask that you would so move in their hearts and minds to draw them to yourself for guidance and direction. May each one find their strength in the power of your risen Son.

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