Friday, May 1, 2009

Short Thoughts for Today

As the writer continues to utilize old testament scripture, in Hebrews 1:11-12 we read, "They will perish, but you remain; And they will become old like a garment, and like a mantle you will roll them up; Like a garment they will also be changed but you are the same, and your years will not come to an end". Eternal and immutable is our God!

Countless are the things that have perished and will yet perish. What does not become old, wearing down and wearing out? All the things that surround us are subject to the laws of God's creation. I'm referring to matters such as the law of friction, etc. Here on the Oregon Coast, with our damp climate and close proximity to the ocean, one can see the effects of such things as rust and corrosion all around you. Most of us who are over 30 years of age know first hand (feet, knees and back also) the effect of growing older and the wearing out of this earthly body.

And what around us is not susceptible to change? We live in a world of change. For good or for bad, people change, governments change, relationships change, laws change, societies change, etc.. We may or may not be able to comprehend the blessing that is ours in our unchangeable God! He is the only constant in our lives. He is not affected by friction, moth and rust, corrosion, changing governments, new thoughts, the changing morals of men, influences of friends or pressures from foes, etc...

As simply put in our passage today; He remains "the same" and His "years will not come to an end". Yes, in a world full of change, He is the "same yesterday and today and forever". How thankful we should be!

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