Monday, January 27, 2014

Today's bible reading is the 19th chapter of the Book of Matthew. You can read it here at Bible Gateway:

I have never considered myself to have much in common with a camel but today's passage in Matthew reminds me that just like the camel, I could never "go through the eye of a needle". Jesus uses these words as He describes how difficult it is for "a rich man to enter the kingdom of God" but surely they are applicable to me as well. But I need not fear the impossibility of going "through the eye of a needle". As it says in today's scripture, "with God, all things are possible". Forgiven in Christ and clothed in His righteousness, the Lord Jesus Himself is my way, my truth and my life. I have entered the kingdom of God by and through the Son of God. At the conclusion of today's chapter, Peter asks Jesus what there would be for those who had left everything to follow Him. I can't help but think that there came a time when Peter realized that his "reward" would to simply one day be in the presence of the glorified Christ. As the Apostle Paul wrote, experiencing that which is "very much better".

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