Friday, January 10, 2014

Today's bible reading is in the eighth chapter of the book of Matthew. You can read it here at Bible Gateway:

As I read today's passage there was a particular theme that stuck out for me. Jesus was willing. The chapter begins with a man affected by leprosy saying to Jesus, that if He is willing, Jesus can make him clean. His response is glorious news, not only to the leper, but for you and I also. "I am willing; be cleansed" are the words from our gracious Savior. What wonderful words. I'm so thankful that He was willing to cleanse me. He continues to be willing to cleanse the hearts of men, women and children all around the world. As we read on in the chapter, we see that Jesus is willing to heal the centurion's paralyzed servant, relieve Peter's mother in-law of her fever, save His disciples in the boat by rebuking the winds and the sea and casting demons out of the two men He met coming out of the tombs. Jesus is willing. Praise God!

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