Friday, July 18, 2014

Today's Bible reading is the 10th chapter of the Book of 1st Corinthians. You can read it here at Bible Gateway:

Among the things we find in today's chapter, Paul continues to speak of similar things mentioned in my short thoughts from the previous day's text. In the freedom that is found in Christ, Paul wrote that "all things are lawful" for the one who has been justified by grace and through faith. But in the text, twice Paul comments on the lawfulness of all things in Christ, saying, "but not all things are profitable" and "but not all things edify". Our freedom in Christ is tempered by the love we have received from Christ. So it is not simply about what is lawful for me, but about what, through love, is profitable and edifying to others. He writes, that in our freedom, we are not to seek our own good but the good of our neighbor. There are a multitude of different situations that one might find themselves in where their freedom in Christ grants them certain liberties. But our freedom in Christ is meant to be held in check with an obligation of love to do that which is edifying and profitable for the body of Christ. With God's help, may we each one be mindful of the things that are profitable, the things that edify.  

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