Today's Bible reading is the 8th chapter of the Book of 1st Corinthians. You can read it here at Bible Gateway:
In a world where there are indeed, "many gods and many lords", a world where "so-called gods" abound in heaven and on earth, we ought to be thankful for the Lord's revealed truth about such matters. Although men may worship "other gods" and give sacrifice to a host of idols of their making, the word of God proclaims that there is only one God! Men cannot create a god by believing in it. The proclamation of millions that something is true does not in and of itself make it true. "There is but one God, the Father, from whom are all things and we exist for Him" Paul writes in today's text. In a world where religions abound and various god's and idols are worshiped, I am thankful for the reminder from scripture that it is not as if our God is better or bigger than theirs. It is that our God is the only God. In his letter to the Ephesian believers, Paul declared the oneness of God when he said that there is "one God and Father of all who is over all and through all and in all." What a privilege is mine to know the one and only true God and His Son, Jesus Christ.
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