Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Today's Bible reading is the 7th chapter of the Book of John. You can read it here at Bible Gateway: http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=John+7&version=NASB

In today's chapter in John's Gospel we read of a contrast of perspectives regarding the Lord Jesus Christ. Some said that He was a "good man" while others said, "on the contrary, He leads the people astray". Although by an standard of measurement Jesus was certainly a "good man", such words fall terribly short in describing the man that He was, the Divine Son of God. And although it was clearly not intended to portray Him in a favorable light, one might be able to even glean some unintended truth from the statement that "He leads the people astray." As I considered this for a moment I realized that I have been rejoicing for more than thirty years now that He led me astray from the dominion of sin and the worlds ways. Astray from death I have been led unto life, abundant and eternal. Astray from unrighteousness I have been led to the righteousness that is found only in Him. Astray from hopelessness I have been led to the hope of heaven and hope of being face to face with Christ my Lord. Astray from lies I have been led to know the Truth. Away from the ways of the flesh I have been led to live in the Spirit. Yes, praise God, Jesus has led me astray!

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